Prostitution should not be 'legalised'The sexual objectification of women consists of seeing them exclusively as depersonalized objects of desire rather than as individuals with complex personalities, which occurs by speaking or thinking of women solely based on their physical characteristics. Sexuality has been a controversial topic for a long time, and many thinkers have reflected on its effects on societies and cultures around the world. The physical expression of sexuality is fundamental and universal. What differs is the way in which cultures, religions and societies interpret and influence both the context in which sexual intercourse between men and women occurs and the type of relationships in which pregnancy is encouraged. The idea behind this form of controlled sexual behavior, imposed by culture and society, was to promote family health and well-being, thus creating healthy societies for the survival and expansion of humanity. Prostitution, the practice of selling one's body for the purpose of sexually gratifying another, has existed throughout history in all parts of the world. Prostitution is considered by many to be a shameful, degrading and abusive practice that encourages crime, exposes prostitutes to violence, increases sexually transmitted diseases and child prostitution, disrupts family values and promotes sex trafficking. The legalization of prostitution has not only failed to empower women in prostitution, but has strengthened the sex industry and the crimes associated with it. Prostitution is illegal in the United States, except for eleven counties in the state of Nevada. In the United States, most people think of sex as an expression of intimacy between two people; so they find the idea of sex for money dist...... center of paper......Works CitedHoffman, Cecilia. “Prostitution should be legalized.” CATW-AP. Wordpress and Web. November 27, 2011.Kramer, Lisa. “The causes of prostitution: an overview”. Sociological investigation. Vol.73. (2003) pp. 511-28. Network. November 27, 2011.Nassif, Tony. “Prostitution should be legal.” Cedars Cultural and Educational Foundation, nd Web. November 27, 2011.Raymond, Janice. “Prostitution should not be legalized.” Journal of Trauma Practice. 2003.n.pag. Network. November 27, 2011. US Department of State. USD. 2011. Network. November 27, 2011.Wolffers, Ivan. “Public health and human rights of sex workers”. The Lancet 361.9373 (2003): n.pag. Network. November 27 2011.