Personal values and beliefs are shaped and shaped by the person. No one has the exact same life and growth. We all grow up differently and experience the world in myriad ways. The student nurse was raised on a strong foundation of Christianity and a belief in equality, fairness and the right of all. The student nurses' mother often told her to be kind because everyone you meet is fighting a tough battle. Those words have become a mantra, and the student nurse tries to live every day with that in mind. With these ideals in mind the student nurse developed her own personal values and beliefs, especially as they pertain to nursing. The patient comes first in every aspect. Their safety and well-being are top priorities. The value of the studentIn many ways confidence in these values has increased. The values of altruism, human dignity and integrity are much more than just professional values of student nurses: they are the reason she entered the profession. Altruism, according to Taylor, Lenmore, Lillis, and Lynn (2011), is a concern for the well-being and well-being of others. Human dignity is defined by the authors as respect for the intrinsic value and uniqueness of individuals and populations. Integrity is described in the text as acting in accordance with an appropriate code of ethics and accepted standards of practice. Nursing, for the student, has never been about the science, though interesting, the money, though lucrative, or the job opportunities, though seemingly endless. The student nurse chose this profession for the people. The calling to help and provide for others manifests itself in the ability to help through the knowledge gained in study. The student nurse grew up with a strong sense of right and wrong and leading an ethical life. Integrity is something that can be applied to daily life, study and work. These values are important when considering clients, health and illness as they apply to life inside and outside of a nurse