Topic > The Importance of a Pre-Exercise Warm-Up

SUMMARY: The pre-exercise warm-up is a very important factor for people all over the world to understand. Many believe that the idea of ​​warming up is a false hope in injury prevention, but this is false. Warming up the muscles before exercise helps warm up the tissues and enzymes needed for muscle recruitment and, in turn, allows the muscle to stretch further and helps prevent possible muscle injury. When designing exercise programs, many factors and variables must be considered before creating the actual exercise matrix. It is very important to consider each individual and create each program around their goal; however each program should follow a series of constants. The constants are the very principles of exercise program design. These principles can then be manipulated to reflect each individual's desired response. The basis of the exercise begins through a series of steps that first begin with the warm-up. Many individuals fail to understand the importance of a warm-up which can consist of a general, specific, performance and functional warm-up.1 The warm-up or progressive preparation is based on the understanding of kinetics which is the study of movement and its causes.1 When objects move under the constraint of resistance caused by friction, tension, and other constraints, they do not have the same ability to accelerate. The human body works this way by making cold tissues less flexible, cellular enzymes less active, and neural conduction less efficient.2 In order for the body to function at its optimal level, it must first be warmed up. Most people understand that warming up should precede intense physical activity, however many fail to understand scientists...... half of article...... pathways that are activated during exercise that help you choose muscle recruitment in the right gradual order. Warming up is a very important physical part of the activity and actually helps prevent future injuries. Works Cited(1) Biagioli, Brian D. National Council on Strength and Fitness (2007): 310-316(2) Mutungi G , Ranatunga KW. J Physiol 508 (1998): 253-265(3) Sidell BD. Journal Exp Biol 201 (1998): 1119-1128(4) Gamalei IA, Kaulin AB. Tsitologiia 14 (1972): 1322-1327(5) Jacobson AL, Henderson J. Can Journal Biochem 51(1973): 71-86(6) Shellock FG, Prentice WE. Sports Med 2(1985): 267-278(7) Kreuzer F. Respir Physiol 9(1970): 1-30(8) Ingraham SJ. Minn Med 86 (2003): 58-61(9) Kemi OJ, Haram PM, Loennechen JP, Osnes JB, Skomedal T, Wisloff U, Ellingsen O. Cardiovasc Respiration 67(2005):161-172(10) McKnight S. Science 330(2010): 1337-1448