For Kant and Luther, the question of human freedom and how much freedom individuals have, if any, is determined in an attempt to achieve high morality . But it is precisely the fatalistic perspective that Kant believes supported by Luther, that is, freedom through faith. For Luther, we do not possess the freedom necessary to live a moral life without the guidance of God. On the other hand, for Kant, the predestination supported by Luther places individuals in a state of "immaturity" and therefore incapable of achieving the freedom of be moral. In contrast to Luther's argument, for Kant self-determination, autonomy and morality are closely linked to his notion of human freedom. Luther preaches grace and thus free choice is abolished, suggesting that divine grace and human freedom are contradictory concepts. Since reconciliation between God and men is made possible by the death of Jesus, a gift from God, it is foolish to assume that the exercise of freedom can have any relevance for salvation. Human freedom in Luther's eyes comes from the notion that individuals are already saved through the righteousness of God and confirmed by the works of Christ, you are saved because of your possession of faith: "We reach the conclusion that faith alone justifies us and fulfills the laws and this is because faith brings us the spirit acquired by the merits of Christ spirit, in turn, gives us the happiness and freedom at which the law aims..." Furthermore, it is important to understand the distinction of Luther between the Law and the Gospel. in order to further explore Luther's understanding of human freedom. The Law is the commands of God; allows human beings to coexist, limits chaos and condemns sin, even if it is not God's way... middle of paper... everything must be referred to God. For Luther everything in relation to salvation is determined by the will of God, thus leaving no room for individual will, leaving the opinions of Kant and Luther irreconcilable. Kant attributes freedom as a prerequisite for human action, he attributes human freedom to a higher status, far from being simply determined by God or even Satan, rather freedom can reach the level of self-determination. Freedom according to Kant is will independent of foreign will and therefore reason should guide towards individual principles independent of external influences. However it all refers to the attempt to achieve a high morality, however for Luther this idea goes completely against spiritual righteousness, for him we are apparently free through our spiritual righteousness and our moral acts which are determined by God and him alone.