As a result, even though Rawlings focused on people and their values, there were some who had mixed reactions towards his policies. Instead of having a positive impact, some of them felt the opposite and felt that his methods had caused them difficulties in urban areas. For example, many resources and production were moved more to rural areas, so business conditions were more favorable to producers in some rural rather than urban locations. According to the African Studies Quarterly, wages continue to be a problem in many countries because increases are not yet sufficient to offset the price of imported goods. In addition to labor issues, there were other economic and political oppositions, business concerns, and students protesting against new education reform programs, to name a few (Adedejî, 2001). The lesson learned for me is that I believe Rawlings made a lot of positive changes in a short time and these changes will not always benefit the entire population. It will be up to the new government to continue to find ways to build the economy and improve it