By learning English, Richard lost his connection to his family and his heritage by losing the way of speaking Spanish, his family's language, learning English. He writes “My mother! My father! After English became my primary language, I no longer knew what words to use to address my parents. The old Spanish words (those tender sound accents) that I had used before – mamá and papá – I could no longer use” (32). I believe that learning English, in a bad form of bilingual education, will make you lose the meaning of the other language too. I know this because it happened to me. I was born in Kenya even though I was Somali, I knew Swahili, when I came here, and within 5 years I forgot everything I knew, in those same five years I was becoming more fluent in English. In a proper context, however, this would not have happened, because evidence has shown that this should make you more fluent in your language since that is how you would transition to