Introduction: The issue examined in this article is the impact of child abuse. Using Erikson's fourth evolutionary crisis, Industry vs. Inferiority, we will look at the abuse and the impact it has on the person, as well as its development in the next phase, Identity vs. Identity confusion. We will examine these life stages by examining the short- and long-term effects of the novel's character, Harry Potter. We will examine eleven research articles that cover the impact of child abuse on many levels. The articles we covered examined the 4 types of abuse; we only cover emotional abuse, neglect and child maltreatment. This article examines the psychological, biological, and sociological consequences of child maltreatment. Some negative consequences include self-esteem issues, antisocial personality development, traumatic impact on memory function, poor health, mental illnesses such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression. Many of these consequences have long-term effects into adulthood. Life cycle stage: Erikson's theories combine psychological and sociological perceptions of human development that span the lifespan rather than just childhood and adolescence. In its eight stages of development it indicates that a person faces challenges or crises consisting of both risks and tasks. Without resolution of these crises, the individual may experience developmental problems regarding social relationships with family and others. Erikson believed that positive parenting has a direct effect on children. According to him, if we were positive with our children, there would be fewer behavioral problems. We will focus mainly on the fourth phase of Erikson's Psychosocial Stages or...... middle of the paper...... After comparing the searched articles, with Industry VS Inferiority (6-12) and (Identity vs. Confusion Erikson's identity (13-19) we see that Harry Potter was mentally, physically and emotionally retarded due to the abuse he was subjected to as a child the abuse by the Dursleys and the murder of his parents caused a delay in reaching Identity versus Identity. He had problems with understanding himself and his place in life. He continued to be called "the boy who lived" instead of Harry not allowing him to get over his parents' death made Harry kill many times. Harry was vulnerable to stress and difficulties with his emotions. After killing Voldemort, he was finally allowed to face the death of his parents and begin the journey of finding himself..