Determine the client's pattern of reckless behavior. Rationale: The client may deny or not accept responsibility for their actions.2. Evaluate the results of these behaviors and their effects on others and the client. Motivation: Face the consequences of your actions and identify the harm they have caused to others.3. Explore and discuss solid foundations for stable relationships. Motivation: Determine areas where the client can improve.4. Help the client determine who they have hurt and the relationships that have suffered as a result of the antisocial behaviors. Rationale: So they can begin to mend fences and make amends.5. Evaluate your current coping strategies and make a list of new ones that are most effective. Rationale: He or she is not a rational thinker and new strategies will help him or her learn to express emotions without being condescending or offending others. 6. Reinforce positive behaviors. Motivation: It will give them a better understanding of what is acceptable.7. Administer Dilantin (phenytoin) as ordered by your doctor for aggression and impulse control. • Closely monitor for changes in behavior that may indicate worsening depression or suicidal thoughts. • Assess oral hygiene to help prevent gum disease