Red Bull has strong brand recognition between the two bulls on the cans, as well as their unique slogan that can be heard from playgrounds to office buildings "Red Bull puts you wings" have allowed their products to enter the consciousness of a wide range of consumers. Furthermore, their revolutionary guerrilla marketing techniques by taking it directly to the streets, whether it be extreme sports competitions or break dancing competitions, certainly amplify consumers' direct experience of the Red Bull brand. In my opinion, one strategy they can use to stay competitive is to stick with extreme sports but break into one they already have with Cross fit. With the fitness industry being so large, Cross Fit is slowly becoming a huge dynamic in the market. There are Cross fit gyms emerging on the scene across the nation, as well as televised competitions across the nation and as they become more popular, this may lead to a worldwide event for a Cross fit competition of which Red Bull could help join. Additionally, an event could be a college, music tour, or hosting a spring break extravaganza since younger generations are a target market. Assuming Red Bull expanded beyond being a "luxury and sports brand", they would have to start producing