Topic > Analysis of A New Way To Tackle Gun... by Nicholas Kristof

Includes how he was challenged by the thought that someone proposed to him that even without guns, people would still kill themselves regardless of whether they had a gun or less . However, Kristof refutes this idea by adding that in Britain people would kill themselves by exposing themselves to high levels of coal gas in furnaces. But when Britain later switched from coal gas to natural gas, the suicide rate dropped enormously. He included this fact to show that the British didn't ban ovens because of suicide rates, they simply made them safer, which can be a model for firearms. This implies that firearms do not necessarily need to be banned, they just need more safety regulations. Kristof also adds that gun safety is not addressed. It says, “Between 1973 and 2012, the National Institutes of Health awarded 89 grants for the study of rabies and 212 for cholera¾ and only three for gunshot wounds.” This statistic clearly demonstrates that gun safety is not being handled accordingly, which supports Kristof's argument for gun improvement