Topic > The first condition - 1751

C., when his car stopped in front of the Philippine embassy. For him this meant that he should be a missionary in the Philippines. Then there was the woman who wasn't sure if she should take a trip to Israel. One night he was reading travel brochures and tour information and noticed that the flight would be on a 747. He woke up the next morning, 7:47 was on his digital watch, and took it as a sign that he should go to Israel. This kind of nonsense is what I call "voodoo theology." It is nothing but superstition… God has expressed many of His directions very clearly in Scripture” (Charles Swindoll. The Mystery of God's Will, page 39). In God's Word you will find specific precepts or commands. These verses are like the “Speed ​​Limit 35” traffic sign. These are specific commands regarding God's will. For example, Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 4:3, “This is the will of God, that you abstain from fornication.” In God's Word you will also find general Principles or Guidelines. These verses are like the traffic sign “Drive carefully”. The meaning of this sign will vary depending on road conditions. When I prayed for marriage, there was no scripture that commanded, “Tim White, you shall marry Becky Bender.” But there is a general principle in 1 Corinthians 7:40 that I must marry “only in the Lord.” With this general guideline and others, I knew it was God's will