Topic > The Importance of Traditional Literacy - 1136

My background is traditional literacy as I started with my research papers with arguments and points; and subsequent years writing an essay or term paper and other formal academic papers each week; and I finally learned the truth that I didn't love this activity, but it taught me to think in an organized way. But reading has taught me how to be a better writer and the amazing part is that technology has contributed in a major way to sharpening my reading and writing skills. I learned to rely on the Internet for my research and knew that I could write creatively, or express my opinion, in a more persuasive way than working through it using traditional literacy methods. The use of the computer was first introduced to me as a tool for learning through educational games and computer programs, but as time passed, the use of the computer for learning became the tool available to me as I cultivated the my love for reading and writing. Blogging is writing, a fun and fantastic way to encourage creativity without binding rules for a contemporary student like me, full of emotions, topics and ideas that I can't express in formal academic writing. Integrating new literacy, especially from a technological perspective, into the classroom is a smart move to implement positive interaction with a lot of enthusiasm. At first I thought that this important development would tilt my education even less towards reading and writing, but the new approach to literacy makes me happy and comfortable and even makes me write logically and coherently. Blogging is a useful tool for my inability to think critically and write persuasively. But I believe there is value in traditional literacy as well as new literacy… middle of paper… all literacy could change how we write and who we interact with. 21st century literacy involves not only proficiency in reading and writing, but also involves the technological ability to engage effectively in a technologically advanced world. I learned to easily analyze text and analyze multimedia elements such as images, sounds, and videos, and to understand how the appearance of print affects my understanding of ideas. My writing has become more concise on the Internet since I can choose my own writing style, like a blog, and communicate regularly with my colleagues. While I see the diverse effects of social media on all sectors of society, I also see a future era of more disciplined social media and literacy activities where more students will be aware of critical thinking in the decisions they make in blogging or writing. perform other forms of online business. written communication.