Trump. Donald Trump knows that immigration is a big problem in America. Trump is taking action to fix America's broken systems. Although the 2008 recession reduced illegal immigration, it continued to be a problem. Trump doesn't want any debate, he just wants to solve the immigration problem for the American population. Trump tells Americans: “On day one we will begin work on a physical impenetrable wall at the southern border” (Trump). Trump wants to build a giant, solid wall on the southern border to stop all immigrants migrating in this direction. Right now, there are many different technological systems used to control who comes to America and who leaves America. Donald Trump tells America: “We will use the best technology, including above- and below-ground sensors, towers, aerial surveillance, and manpower to integrate the wall, find and deploy tunnels, and keep criminal cartels out” (Trump). Trump's plan to upgrade technology will allow America to be more aware of who is coming in and out of the country. Donald Trump has a plan for America and he wants to eliminate most, if not all, of it