IntroductionRibena is analyzed from a resource-based perspective to determine its strategic inputs - resources, capabilities and core competencies - and how it relates to parent company GlaxoSmithKline's mission statement and strategies ( Hitt and Ireland et al., 1999). Ribena's strategies over the past decade have also been reviewed, particularly focusing on New Zealand's vitamin C controversy over its ready-to-drink (RTD) blackcurrant variant, to find out whether its efforts translate into positive outcomes for l 'agency. This paper focuses on the Ribena dispute and will aim to identify the key issues in the case. The document recommends, based on theories and concepts, a series of coherent actions that GSK could have taken to avoid the legal and reputational situation resulting from its actions. Potential problems that may arise in implementing the suggested actions will also be addressed. Finally, the implications of these suggestions on organizational and management practices will also be determined from a risk management perspective. ¬¬¬¬¬¬The discussion will focus on the theories and concepts discussed in Michael Burgess' first semester 2015 course MGT5STM: Strategic Management. Additional theories and concepts were used to further support the clarity of the paper's arguments. The document, through the concept of Occam's Razor, will limit the discussion and analysis to New Zealand, GSK, the fruit juice industry and the Ribena Blackcurrant RTD product for the purpose of keeping the justifications and conclusions of the document in their clearest, most necessary and simplest form. Internal Analysis Based on GSK's 2013 Annual Report, GSK's mission is "Improving the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better, ...... half of the document ...... f differentiation (IBISworld, 2014).Bena now uses sustainable packaging to reduce its environmental impact on the planet, the call to clean up the brand image, the strategic directive to focus more on its core competencies and conditions. of the industry make Ribena out of GSK's long-term vision due to the need to divest older products with low growth prospects (Kitamura, 2014), Ribena together with the sports drink Lucozade was sold to the Japanese company Suntory Beverage & Food in 2013. (Monaghan, 2013) Presumably one of the main reasons in the sale of Ribena was the controversy which nullified one of its strategic advantages. Next section will discuss this controversy and suggest a series of coherent actions that Ribena may have taken to avoid the legal situation and reputation resulting from their actions..