Topic > Annotated bibliography: gender stereotypes in the topic...

Schaefer, AshleighLing 325Professor MathisPart 1: Annotated bibliography: gender stereotypes in the topic1. Cvencek, D., Meltzoff, A., & Greenwald, A. (2011). Mathematical gender stereotypes in elementary school children. Child Development, 82(3), 766-779. Gömleksiz, M. (2012). This article focuses on the connection between one's perception of one's gender and how it influences beliefs about cultural stereotypes placed on one's gender. Cveneck, Meltzoof, and Greenwald examined several children, 126 girls and 121 boys, ages 6 to 10 in elementary school, giving the children implicit association tests and asking them to provide self-reports to see if their perceptions of gender were influenced their ideas on some school subjects. The self-assessments asked children questions regarding gender identity, gender stereotypes, and their self-concept. This article focuses on examining cultural stereotypes about mathematics. Their research focuses on the stereotype that “maths is for boys.” Cvencek, Meltzoff, and Greenwald argue that this is because their self-concept is “I am a woman” along with the cultural stereotype that “math is for boys” tends to lead women to believe that “I am a girl therefore I am a woman." I'm not good at math." Cveneck, Meltzoof and Greenwald had the children take a quiz on the computer. For each question the children were provided with a statement and then asked to choose whether or not the male or female character possessed the attributes mentioned above. Once the children chose which character/gender possessed the attribute, they were asked whether or not the selected character possessed this characteristic “a little” or “a lot”. The second part of the study involved children... middle of paper ......who were concerned about their research because it showed that even at a young age, girls tend to believe that "maths is for boys". This suggests that the language used around the topic and genre is ingrained in young people's minds from a young age. Since mathematics is a learned skill, both males and females should both have the ability to excel in the subject. However, cultural stereotypes regarding mathematics as a predominantly male domain are entrenched and hold women back. It was interesting to see the statements that both genders refer to in the studies. These articles suggest that gender stereotypes on the subject are based on education. If women didn't hear from an early age that “math is for boys,” perhaps they could approach the topic with confidence. Overall, these articles follow the generalizations seen throughout the semester about differences between women and men.