Topic > Speech Problems - 527

Division surrounds the human world whether we as humans recognize it or simply ignore it. We have division in how we talk to each other and division in how we personally interpret a sentence. Normally this division is not intentional but occurs naturally. It can be caused by a number of things, just to list a few; division can happen because of race, cultural background, language, religion and the way we communicate. One of the biggest deciding factors in the division process is communication. The way we communicate with other human beings sets us apart individually and can be easily misunderstood. This lack of understanding during communication causes problems, thus leading to division. During communication, the way signals are sent and received allows for errors to be made. They occur in the way we send (encode) the message or in the way the recipient interprets (decodes) the message. Hamilton's model shows how and where these errors occur. This model will be explained in more detail later, but only then can you understand how the model works and the w...