This cell is known as the chondrocyte. It is a cell found in healthy cartilage that is part of the skeletal system. The skeletal system consists mainly of bones. These bones support the body. Without them, the skeleton would have no structure, but just a sticky mass of tissue. The skeleton has five main functions. It maintains the body's shape, allows movement, protects organs vital for survival, produces cells, and stores various materials to keep the body healthy. Interestingly, the human skeleton is not as sexually dimorphic as that of other animals, although male and female skeletons have some differences. The skeleton is divided into two separate categories, the axial and appendicular skeletons. Both of these parts work together to protect the important organs present in the body. The axial skeleton is made up of the upper area of the body. In humans it has 80 bones and is made up of the skull bones, the ear ossicles, the rib cage, the hyoid bone, the spinal column and the sternum. However, the appendicular skeleton is composed of 126 bones. “Appendicular” is the adjectival form of “appendix,” meaning part of something larger. Most of the bones that build the appendicular skeleton are involved in the locomotion of the axial skeleton and in the manipulation of objects in the upper environment. Together, these two sections make up the entire skeleton. Although you can usually only see one at a time, bones have different layers. These are the periosteum, or outer layer, the cortical bone, the trabecular bone and in the center is the bone marrow. The periosteum is a membrane that covers the external surface of almost all bones. It is made of dense, irregular connective tissue, which means that its fibers are not grouped in parallel groups. ...... half of the document ...... now, 11/19/13 June 2013, 11/20/13 November 2013 https://en .wikipedia .org/wiki/Apoptosis, 11/20/13 July 2006, 11/20/13N.d., 20/11/13N.d., 11/20/13N.d., 11/20/13N.d., 20/11/13N.d., 1/12/13 November 2013, 1/12/13 November 2013, 1/12/13 November 2013, 12/3/13 November 2013 wiki/Cellular_differentiation. 12/4/13