In “The Death of the Moth,” Virginia Woolf explores the value of the creative process in life by providing survival from tragedy or suffering. His conventional narrative of his own personal experience describes the battle between life and death which is both pathetic and dignified: pathetic as death will always strike ineluctably and dignified when the moth dies silently, commenting on the moth that "having righted itself now lies in a more dignified way." and composed without complaint” (The Death of the Moth). The cycle of life and death of the moth is the symbol of the creative process that his personal narrative carries forward with works of the nature of the human being: happiness and suffering, the deepest desire and anxiety. It reveals that the moth has a passionate desire to live. He used a word choice between “superb” and “gigantic effort” to illustrate that the moth makes [his] enormous effort despite his “helplessness” and “embarrassment” in the face of death. Woolf describes the moth's struggle as “wonderful and pathetic” and conveys the idea that no matter how hard one fights against the approach of death, it overwhelms all creatures. The Death of the Moth seems to criticize the oppression of men or the prevalence of masculinity in society which caused women's struggles at the time. The battle against death is linked to the movement that Virginia Woolf had pursued, becoming a feminist, where she suffered sexual abuse by her half-brother, which contributed to her awareness of herself as a woman. The relationship between life and death in our lives reveals Woolf's belief in trying to lead the reader to the conception of the power of death. Throughout the essay, death has been described in many different ways. The essay begins... in the middle of the paper... severe mental illness throughout his life, what is now called bipolar disorder. In her essay, "Old Mrs. Grey", it is evident that she used her own symbol as it was used in the character of Mrs. Grey, who was gripped by melancholy and hoped to commit suicide to be with her own families which she did a journey of no return. In the story of “Old Mrs. Grey,” Woolf used depressive words to describe a lonely ninety-two-year-old woman whose job was only to look through the door at the life outside it, “in the morning she gave out food at seven to four, green and sunny” (Old Mrs. Grey). Woolf also illustrates her thesis that Mrs. Grey's life has become full of nothingness and she only hopes for her days to end. Regarding life and death in this essay, Woolf believes that life cannot reach the end even if someone asks for it, instead one that he or she must suffer..