Most of the technological changes have helped to improve education in the lives of students. But it also harms a small amount of students who may not have Wifi or Internet in their home. Therefore they would not be able to do their homework and could be penalized for it. Students can now work together on larger assignments and projects without having to meet in the library after school (M. Lynch, 2014). This benefits students greatly. They don't have to worry about getting to a library or place with a computer before it closes. They can also share things with each other when one of them is sick or just not at school in general. According to Matthew Lynch (2014), students can access research in ways that were unheard of when their parents were in school. Today, many students can go online and look for research. When their parents were in school and needed access to research, they would go to the library and look in encyclopedias. Online learning has found its way into elementary schools (M. Lynch, 2014). This can prepare them for future high school and college classes they could potentially take. According to Matthew Lynch (2014), the way teachers prepare has changed with technology. Teachers now enter their grades and lesson plans online. They also plan some activities for their students to do online. He also taught teachers to adapt to the