Prostitution is an age-old problem that has divided society for centuries. It is a moral issue on which society has always been divided. Some people believe that prostitution is disgusting and should remain illegal, while others believe that prostitution will continue no matter what efforts are made, so it might as well be legalized. These people tend to believe that sex is something that should be done in the privacy of one's home. While there are negative aspects to prostitution, there are also positive ones, and Nevada is a perfect example. Prostitution should not be legalized because it offers no real benefits. The main reason why people believe that prostitution should be legalized is because they think it will boost the economy. According to Ruth Jones, Nevada state tax inspector, “the state is not reaping the benefits of this million-dollar industry. There are no state taxes, and since it is up to each individual county to decide whether it wants to allow prostitution within its borders, the only real revenue according to the state comes from bar sales tax” (Gormley). If the state does not receive money for legalized prostitution, how can it revive the economy? How is it beneficial to society? Another negative effect of legalized prostitution is human trafficking. Legalized prostitution increases the risk of human trafficking. Seo-Yeong Cho of the German Institute for Economic Research, Axel Dreher of Heidelberg University and Eric Neumayer of the London School of Economics and Political Science conducted a study on the correlation between legalized prostitution and human trafficking. They concluded that countries with legalized prostitution report a higher incidence of human trafficking flows. They also found… middle of paper… condoms for all sex in brothels. This law is posted outside state brothels, according to the study by Barbara Brents and Kathryn Hausbeck of the University of Nevada” (Fuchs). While it was beneficial for Nevada, it also caused a big problem. For example, rape rates have increased due to legalized prostitution. Just over half of Nevada's counties have legalized prostitution. In the state of Nevada there are “17 counties and only 11 of these have legalized prostitution. Legalized prostitution is limited to rural Nevada counties. Among the state's rural counties, those with legalized prostitution had rape rates in 2007 that were more than five times higher than rural counties without legalized prostitution” (Ruggieri, Miethe, Hart). Legalized prostitution does not stop rapes, in fact it makes the problem worse.