Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)IntroductionFocusing on the important aspects of life is one of the brain's main functions. In some diseases or disorders this special function of the brain is lost or reduced. One such disorder that decreases brain function is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It was initially thought that this disorder only affects children, but this is a misconception as this disorder is also noticed among adults. This essay will focus on adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neuropsychiatric condition in which an individual is unable to concentrate or focus on a single aspect for a longer time. This leads to a lack of attention and affects an individual's activities in everyday life. This essay would further revolve around the different psychological aspects of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, proposing the characteristics of the disorder along with a great emphasis on medical treatment and other related issues. In a very particular way this work will focus on every aspect of the disorder relating to its evolution, treatment, etiology and evaluation. (Grosenbach 2000 & Whiteman et al 1995) Historical Context ADHD has its roots in the early 18th century when it was diagnosed by George Still. The name however was not designated for the disorder in 1902 by Still. George Still found 20 children with attention deficit problems and postulated a theory that the children might suffer from some genetic disorder that explained their unusual behavior. At that time the disorder was called Moral Thinking Defect by... middle of paper... Homework and acquiring cognitive restructuring skills. Cognitive behavioral therapy. 37 (4), 199-215.Zylowska, L., Ackerman, D., Yang, M., Futrell, J., Horton, N., Hale, T., et al. (2008). Mindfulness meditation training in adults and adolescents with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders. 11 (6), 737-746. LeFever, G. B., Arcona, A., & Stewart, D. (2001). Analysis of Ritalin use in the United States: 1997-1999. Norfolk, Virginia: Center for Pediatric ResearchDiller L (1998). Running on Ritalin: A doctor reflects on children, society and performance in one pill. New York: Bantam Books.Sinha,, G. (2001, June). New Evidence on Ritalin: What Every Parent Should Know. Popular Science, 48-52. Health Care Financing Administration. (2001). Projections of national health expenditure: 2000-2010. Retrieved from html.