Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Democrats are pro-choice, which means the choice is up to the woman. They firmly and clearly support Roe v. Wade, a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion, and a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. Abortion is a highly personal decision between a woman and everyone involved with her; there is no one who can say this either for politicians or for the government. Democrats also recognize that health care and education help reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies and also reduce the need for abortions. If you decide to keep the baby, they have several plans to help you, such as providing affordable healthcare and access to programs that help women during pregnancy and after the birth of a baby, including adoption programs. Republicans are pro-life, meaning abortion is not an option. Republicans support a human life amendment to the Constitution and pass laws to clarify that Fourteenth Amendment protections apply to unborn children. They support choosing judges who respect traditional family values and the purity of innocent human life. I can be a Democrat or Republican depending on the situation regarding the cause of abortion. For example, teenage girls get abortions because they don't want their parents to know or don't want to take care of the baby, and they miss out on teenage life. This is probably the biggest gripe I have. First of all you were old enough to sleep with that boy who claimed to love you, too bad you weren't responsible enough to use protection. N...... half of the document ......action that would expand the exercise of this right by allowing those with state-issued carry permits to carry firearms in any state that issues permits to its citizens. In my opinion it's okay to have guns for self defense, I think it would be okay for people to have a gun in case someone breaks into their home or trespasses on your property. A lot of wrong things happen when guns fall into the wrong hands. I don't agree that weapons can enter public places. Guns should not be allowed to go everywhere. I think if firearms are going to be allowed, they should only be issued to people who have squeaky clean records; for example, no felonies, no DWI, DUI, etc. If there are firearms in the home, they should be placed out of reach of children. Approximately five hundred children die every year due to gun accidents. Guns are only good when it comes to self-defense.