Introduction: To know how environmentally friendly architecture helps the environment and students' education, you need to know the results of PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) tests . The PISA test is a nationally administered test for 15-year-olds and the country is ranked against other countries that have taken the test. The improvement needed in schools, because it is necessary to know which equipment will help students to expand their knowledge and which learning techniques would help students to understand and connect their knowledge to the outside world. The layout of a school affects the size of each room and how the layout would help students get around better. The necessary materials used for an eco-friendly school are recycled or reusable, so they help the environment around them. The money needed in a school varies, because a school that runs on normal energy costs much more than an eco-friendly school because the materials in a normal school are not reused or recycled. PISA test: “America ranked 14th in reading, 25th in mathematics and 17th in science among the entire world” (In the ranking, US students are behind the world leader). Every year the results we get continue to get worse, which is very disappointing for the United States since we have no disadvantage and 99% of the United States have a high school diploma. Every year, test results go down, causing our test results to go down every year. “Students know how to solve problems, but once they enter the real world, they don't know how to solve the answer. Unlike the United States, Shanghai ranks first in academics. Shanghai scored 113 points higher in reading and mathematics compared to the United States and Shanghai scored 56 points higher than average. Improvements needed in schools:...... half of the paper... "How we finance our schools." September 2008. Web. March 5, 2014. “US Students Follow Global Leaders.” USA Today. Web. February 26, 2014. Nadkarni, Vibha in New York: Crabtree Publishing Company, 2008. Print. “School Construction Statistics.” National Clearinghouse for Education Facilities. “U.S. Students Lag Behind Average.” in international tests in science, mathematics and reading". Washington Post, Dec. 2 Web. Feb. 26, 2014. “What Makes a Great Learning Environment for Children?” Learning System LLC 2013. Web. February 26 2014.