NSHIP BETWEEN INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA AND TYPE 2 DIABETES IntroductionDiabetes is a metabolic disease, which causes high blood pressure in a person. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is the loss of insulin-producing cells, leading to insulin deficiency. Type 2 diabetes is where the person is resistant to insulin. Insulin is a peptide hormone, which causes cells to absorb the various glucoses it needs. Type 2 diabetes is the most widespread endocrine disease worldwide. The associated large metagenome study undertook a study based on the determination of type 2 diabetes and its relationship with gut microbiota using deep sequencing of gut microbiota. The study consisted of 345 Chinese individuals who were used to help find relationships. We used 60,000 markers associated with type 2 diabetes and linked to type 2 diabetes. Gut microbes are living organisms that live in the gut and digestive tract. Patients with type 2 diabetes were characterized by a moderate degree of intestinal microbial symbiosis. Symbiosis is an interaction between different microbial organisms, there are various types of symbiosis such as mutalistic, parasitic and communal. The abundance of butyrate-producing bacteria and opportunistic pathogens was also determined. An enrichment of microbial functions was found due to the reduction of sulphates and resistance to oxidative stress. Additional studies were also conducted with individuals added to the study. Gut microbial markers may be useful for classifying type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes has become a serious disorder that has significantly affected the world, genome-wide association studies show that type 2 diabetes can be involved in other genotypes.... .. middle of paper ...... an important role and significant impact on how the body reacts to other organisms and diseases. The study was biased as only one ethnic group was tested on the Chinese, perhaps the suggestion of carrying out the same study on other ethnic groups could be explored and studied, by doing so one can see if the ethnic group has an impact on gut microbes, and whether a change in this could cause an effect on patients with type 2 diabetes. The study made great use of all the different orthologs, categories and many different databases, compiling its own references and taxonomic indexes, although this was great, referencing too many databases can confuse the areas you are looking at, it's important to stay on topic and evaluate appropriately. The study left many other avenues open, and much more research can be done to better understand the results.