Topic > Frequency, Resonance and Radio Waves - 1180

Radio is a very important device in our daily life. Although most people don't know what it takes to make radios work. In a radio there are many elements necessary to maintain an operating frequency, resonance and radio waves are all necessary elements to power a radio. Frequency means the number of occurrences of a recurring event per unit of time. The frequency sends sound signals on a radio wave. FM also stands for frequency modulation. FM and AM are the main leaders of sending music and words. The frequency is called time frequency. FM is better than AM. For example, FM is free from electrostatic interference that affects AM broadcasts, and f-frequency modulated music sounds better. One of the main uses of frequency modulation is radio broadcasting. In radio broadcasting, sound signals from two microphones on a stereo are recorded and then sent over the radio waves. FM stations broadcast programs such as music and broadcasts. The website says "In frequency modulation, the frequencies of the radio wave are raised or lowered to match the vibration of the sounds to be sent." (Wikipedia Contributors page 1) Hertz, originally named after the German physicist Heinrich Hertz is known as an important part of a radio refers to the SI units of frequency. For example, one hertz means that an event happens once per second. Resonance indicates how a system moves at larger amplitudes at some frequencies than at others. Resonance was originally discovered by Galileo Galilei. The resonance response, especially for frequencies far from the resonance frequency, depends on the detail of the physical system and is usually not identical to the resonance frequency. Television is an example of resonance that occurs when the input... in the center of the card... signals. The park was thought to be very good because it was outdoors. Results, at Krystal's house the signal was good because you could hear a man talking, at Rosa's house there was no signal only static. In Kiest Park the radio worked very well and the channels were very good. Bottom line, the results about Krystal's house were correct because a voice was heard on the radio just as expected. The results for Rosa's house were wrong because all you could hear was static and no signal. Our results on Kiest Park were correct because the radio receives a very good signal and Spanish channels could be heard. Frequency, resonance and radio waves are all necessary to power a radio. In a radio there are many elements necessary to make it work. Even if you know what it takes to make the radio work. Radio is a very important device in our daily life.