Just recently Newsweek magazine produced an article that attempted to make a scriptural argument for same-sex marriage. Space would not allow to address all the errors the writer makes regarding the biblical text. If nothing else, it demonstrates the ignorance many people have in understanding the word of God. It also shows how far the media has moved away from fairly and reasonably addressing a biblical issue. Therefore, the article aims to prove that conservatives are wrong in claiming that biblical marriage is between one man and one woman. The article begins by arguing that the Bible provides no clear model of what biblical marriage actually looks like. The writer tries to prove her thesis by discussing the polygamous marriages of the patriarchs. While it is true that no polygamous marriage has resulted in an openly successful union for all parties involved, this has never been in accordance with God's plan for marriage. In Matthew nineteen, Jesus outlines and restores God's original purpose for marriage: one man to one woman as long as they live. The writer closes this section by saying, “Any contemporary heterosexual married couple…would turn to the Bible for script guidance?” Where else to turn? When you consider the vast majority of world religions, none define marriage or women's rights more comprehensively, compassionately, or time-honored. Ancient Near Eastern religions allow divorce, but not for the well-being or economic status of the wife. Only the Old Testament allowed her to remarry or return to her family (Deuteronomy 24 ,1-4).Most of the world's religions treat the woman as a slave to her husband in the marital relationship; in Christianity a... paper means... cannot be validated anywhere in the Hebrew Scriptures friends and nothing more. In closing, the writers try to equate opposition to homosexuality with racism: “If we are all children of God, made in His likeness and image, then deny access to any sacrament based on sexuality is exactly the same thing as denying it based on skin color - and no serious (or even semi-serious) person would support that. There is a glaring difference between racial issues and homosexuality: homosexuality is a lifestyle choice while race is determined by genetics. When the human genome project was completed, there was not a shred of evidence to prove that homosexuality was genetic in nature. Christians are in the midst of a battle for the truth. In the face of such fierce opposition, may we always strive to defend the word of God.