The first question I asked about it was: have you ever been afraid of falling into the wrong crowd? He said: “We can honestly say NO! It was never a fear of mine, regardless of who you dated. My choice of boyfriends in high school was never very smart, but then again my parents never interfered and let me work it out or figure it out on my own. Then I asked: Did you see my personality change with the people I dated? She responded with "No, your personality never changed with the people you hung out with. IT'S ALWAYS YOU!! That's why you didn't hang out with some of the other girls in your class because they WERE like that. I finally asked: do you think that were my friends in high school a positive influence on me or not? Once again he had a similar response to the one he had before: “Yes, they were because they helped you become stronger! way you handle both sides of a situation and don't jump out