Before the 1960s, children with special needs were not given the same education that children without disabilities received. Some children with special needs were fortunate enough to attend public schools, but if they did, they did not receive sufficient care. There were schools designed for these kids, but they were far from effective in teaching the children. In the 1970s people took a stand against the poor education that disabled children received. These advocates, including many parents, have fought for special funding to provide children with special needs with appropriate education and better learning environments. Today, most children with special needs are openly welcome in public schools. There has been some recent discussion about whether it is a smart choice to let students with special needs interact and learn with regular students. Children with special needs should not be educated separately because being with normal students helps disabled children learn from them and helps normal children learn to interact with different people. The first big reason is that children with special needs can learn from regular students when they are in the classroom. same both...