Broken Dreams in a Stolen PartyIn the story "Stolen Party" written by Liliana Heker, a girl's dreams are shattered by the bitter reality of her fate. Rosaura spends most of her time trying to convince her mother, as well as everyone at the birthday party, that being an educated girl makes her equal to everyone at the party. She feels great determination to become part of her friend Luciana's lifestyle, even if it means rebelling against her mother's wishes. Rosaura almost believes she has accomplished this feat until she is harshly brought back to reality and faced with her position in life once again. It will be an impossible struggle to overcome the class status she was born into with many factors against her. When Rosaura's mother can tell her starry-eyed daughter, full of hope and innocence, that, "The trouble with you, young lady, is that you like to fart higher than your ass" (Heker 1133), it creates bitterness between them and damages the idea of Rosaura improving herself. The mother does not want Rosaura to participate in the "rich party", perhaps out of fear that her daughter might suffer the coldness of the upper class, or perhaps out of fear that Rosaura might actually make it and leave her mother behind. The fact that this mother was able to have this incredibly mature conversation with her "just nine-year-old" daughter, and that Rosaura was able to tell her mother "even rich people go to heaven", indicates her daughter's maturity as well as her level of intelligence that was already higher than that of his mother. Rosaura proceeds to tell her mother what a friend is. However, despite her best efforts to make her mother understand, her mother still continues to throw negative thoughts and opinions at her. The next obstacle Rosaura experiences is at the party. He is confronted by a young "high class" girl who is the cousin of his friend Luciana. After numerous questions about who Rosaura was, the young woman tells her "you are not Luciana's friend because I am her cousin and I know all her friends" (1135). Rosaura maintained her position despite the series of questions she was asked. Only when the question of what Luciana's friend was like was asked did Rosaura begin to feel defeated by her social class. Rosaura recited the phrase "my mother is an employee," a face-saving but still revealing statement that had been drilled into her head. (1135).