IntroductionThe territory of the European Union (EU) is home to around 500 million people. Are they all equal in their rights? Definitely not. One of the legal dividing lines is between citizens of EU member states (citizens) and third-country nationals (TCNs) whose citizenship belongs to a non-EU country. Nationality therefore matters in EU law: it confers different statuses. The paper compares the two separate legal regimes applicable to EU citizens and third-country nationals respectively. Due to the narrow scope of this essay, the analytical focus adopted here is subject to four main limitations. First, legal migrants from third countries constitute different categories (e.g. economic migration, family reunification or migration of students, pupils, trainees and volunteers) in EU law, which is even more complex due to citizens of privileged third countries who obtain their status rights resulting from special agreements between their own country and the EU, furthermore the Schengen visa requirements imply an additional classification along a different dimension. The essay deals only with non-privileged long-term residents (LTRs) as defined by Council Directive 2003/109/EC relating to the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents (SLP Directive). Second, both the rights of EU citizens and those of SLPs include different dimensions (e.g. access to employment, family reunification or social grants), but this study mainly focuses on their rights to move and reside in the EU territory. Third, the main concern of this document is the restrictions on the previously mentioned rights of both categories of people. Fourth, family members of neither nationals nor third-country nationals are not part of the main body of this analysis. Subsequently, the e...... middle of the paper ... and citizenship tests in different countries as a new way of selecting immigrants. We can see the transition from considering integration as a positive social measure to considering it predominantly as a repressive measure on immigration. Works Cited1. Anton Mathew Morgan. In R.2. Aust. In R.3. Byers-Chesterman. In R.4. Cassette. In R.5. Crawford-Olleson. In R.6. Evans. In R.7. Fitzmaurice. In R.8. Presentation by Franca.9. Freestone-Salman. In R.10. Openheim. In R.13. Rio Declaration14. Sands. In R.15. Scroll to 'The nine pillars of the common heritage of humanity'.16. Slides on 'History'17. Slides on "Climate Change"18. Tuerk. In R.19. Charter of the United Nations20. UNHCR. In the R.