Without any elaboration, outline strategies that can make your organization a learning organization or improve its performance as such. A learning organization is an organization actively engaged in identifying its current needs, whether these are technical, managerial, cultural or social in nature. She does this vigorously and systematically, taking every opportunity to learn about herself. For this organization, every problem, difficulty or obstacle it encounters becomes a source of learning. It is based on analysis, action and feedback. Likewise, it can predict future learning needs – the skills it will require to have a strategic and pragmatic advantage over its competitors. Finally, learning is able to do something about its needs, once identified, by providing appropriate learning through a series of planned and systematic learning interventions. A learning organization uses learning on a daily basis. The focus is clearly on work. Identifies and resolves problems as they arise, attempting to take advantage of each situation and learn from it. As a result, it ensures that all derived learning is stored, especially classified, used when confronted with a similar situation in the future. A learning organization encourages all forms of learning. It's not limited to classroom learning, rote learning, behavioral learning. On the contrary, use every possible form of learning in an eclectic way to derive maximum benefits. Its aim is to achieve the final goal in the best possible way. Consequently, a learning organization loves to learn. He realizes that if he wants to meet the challenge of change and the need for continuous improvement, he must have a passion for learning. Learning then becomes a key strategic imperative. For an organization to be a learning organization, it should be based on the following criteria: A. The building blocksB. Implementation strategiesC. The golden rulesD. Behavior of PeopleBut before a learning organization can be implemented, a solid foundation can be created by taking the following into account:A. BUILDING BLOCKS Mindfulness organizations must be aware that learning is necessary before they can develop into a learning organization. It may seem like a strange statement but this learning must happen at all levels; not only at a management level. Once the company has anticipated the need for change, it is then responsible for creating the appropriate environment in which that change can occur. Environment Centralized mechanistic structures do not create a good environment.