The opinion on imageHow does it feel to be judged on appearances and not actions? In most cases the image has several ways of distinguishing between beauty and the potential needed to work in a market. Well, in today's market, owners make hiring decisions based on employee appearance and not analysis of the employee as a whole. Most businesses want someone who is definitely capable of attracting more sales and consumers. Some of the famous companies want their employees to have the necessary appearance to convince people to enter their store. Simply by having that special look, these employees are more likely to get the job than a person who is actually good at communication. Companies that choose to hire based on a person's image may end up being discriminated against or not offering everyone equal opportunities. Hiring someone based on their qualifications, not just image, can benefit your company in the long term. Many retail companies want to hire based on what drives the consumer to come into the store. Marshal Cohen, believes that younger markets are sh...