Moral obligation is a controversial issue. We currently live in a “world of plenty,” however, the number of humans dying or suffering from hunger, malnutrition or disease is staggering. In this essay I will examine the arguments for and against the moral obligation to help the poor and hungry, and in particular I will consider Singer's views on the topic. people living in other countries? If so, are we accountable only to our political allies or beholden only to countries we believe will benefit us? Or are we also obligated towards countries with which we have few, if not even antagonistic, relationships? We are obligated not to harm others, but are we obligated to do more than harm others?” Today approximately 6 billion human beings live on earth and of these 790 million do not have adequate nutrition. Approximately 1 billion humans do not have access to drinking water. 2.4 billion people lack basic sanitation. 880 million do not have access to health services. 1 billion have no shelter and live exposed to the elements. 2 billion people live without the use of electricity. 250 million children aged between 5 and 14 work in factories or as sex workers and are denied the opportunity for education. 1 billion adults are illiterate. Approximately 50,000 deaths per day on this planet are due to poverty. People die because they lack the basis for a dignified human life. In the United Nations Charter – Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are two articles that we can take into consideration when thinking about moral obligation. First, Article 25: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, ... middle of paper ...ld you choose who to put on your boat with your reserve and whose life you want to save. Should we simply help people on a first-come, first-served basis or should we think of other methodical and possibly more practical ways to help people in need. Unkindness is not simply unkind conduct, but insufficiently kind conduct...Many people use the excuse that they don't need to help developing economies when many other people do anyway, but from a Utilitarian view, the fact that other people can help does not diminish your responsibility. Without a true world government to control the reproduction and use of available resources, the ethic of spaceship sharing is impossible. In the near future, our survival requires that we govern our actions according to lifeboat ethics, however harsh they may be. Posterity will not settle for anything less.