Foreshadowing in Beloved In the novel Beloved, Toni Morrison addresses many overarching themes and issues that continually recur throughout the book. Morrison uses each of the characters to help in the development of his novel. Sethe, Denver, and Beloved, all the main characters in this book, represent many of the big issues. One of the main themes of the novel is the fall of Beloved, Sethe and Denver in the ice skating scene. In the second section of Beloved, Morrison uses the dramatic ice skating scene to foreshadow the deterioration of family relationships that occurs with Sethe's loss of job. The ice skating scene begins with Sethe, Denver, and Beloved walking out. to the lake for a day of skating and fun. Since there is only one set of skates and one more, Beloved, the spoiled child, wore skates, and Denver wore one skate, as he slipped on the treacherous ice. Sethe was wearing her shoes and thought they would support her. The three women skated “holding hands, hugging, and twirling across the ice” (Morrison 174). In this quote Morrison describes the family bond present for the first time in the novel. This connection between Sethe, Denver, and Beloved is evident when the willingness to embrace each other in their arms is a natural reaction that occurs. It seems that the three women help each other to stay upright on the ice, yet with each fall they become even happier. Everyone was screaming with laughter as they skated on the slippery ice. Holding hands, "making a circle or a line, all three of them couldn't stand for a whole...half of the paper...b", Sethe played even harder with Beloved, who couldn't get enough of everything: lullabies, new stitches, the bottom of the cake bowl and the top of the milk" (240). Beloved always got what she wanted because Sethe was sure to give in to Beloved's every desire. The family had begun to fall apart pieces In this novel, the ice skating scene foreshadows two major events that occur in the last section of "Beloved" The end of Sethe's job and the deterioration of family relationships are prime examples that demonstrate how ice -la skating scene was foreshadowing The destruction and turmoil that occurs in the final section of "Beloved" is no surprise to overly attentive readers. The foreshadowing was a clue that was revealed.