Topic > Social norms and norms - 967

A norm is the expectation of correct behavior. There are also popular uses, customs, values ​​and sanctions. A folk tradition consists of rules that are not strictly enforced. Customs are rules that are rigorously enforced because they are deemed essential to the core values ​​or well-being of the group. Sanctions are expressions of approval given to people for upholding norms or expressions of disapproval for violating them. Values ​​are the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, good or bad, beautiful or ugly. Norms are basically everyday behaviors and how people act. Everyone experiences norm violations or commits a norm violation. Norms are part of everyday life. Each rule can be different depending on the context. When we learn values, we learn what is good or bad, beautiful or ugly. Values ​​motivate how we act, what we learn, guide the choices we make and what we have in life. Each group develops perspectives regarding the right way to reflect their values. Folk customs are norms that are not strictly enforced. We expect people to follow folk customs, but once one breaks, we make a big deal about it and then forget about it a couple of minutes later. Costumes are taken much more seriously. Usually a person who steals, rapes or kills has violated some of the most important customs of the community. Usually the costumes of one group can be the costumes of another group. A taboo is a violation of norms so strong that it carries extreme penalties if violated. An example of a taboo would be incest. When a person breaks a taboo, he or she is usually judged unfit to live in the same community as others. A taboo for me is like breaking the law and you can get into serious trouble. For my violation of the rules I invaded people's personal space. I went to the market on a Friday night (one of the busiest nights) and sat next to people. I chose this norm violation because people have done it to me and I thought it was funny, but I wanted to know how other people would react. Everyone reacted differently. Invading people's personalities is violating a norm because it can make people very uncomfortable in many ways. Some or most people may take offense. Some people would be okay with it and just do what they were doing before I even got there. I also observed a rule. I was in a restaurant and this grown man ate everything with his hands. I think this was a violation of the norm because we learn to eat with utensils and not with our hands. In my opinion this was very disgusting. If it had been finger food or ribs, okay, that would have been normal, but he was eating the salad with his hands. It was very messy and no good. The community has norms because of the different groups each encounters. The rules become part of everyone's lifestyle again. Everyone has different norms or the way they act. Norms have meaning because they shape the way people are today and the way we act. People's life values ​​need to be learned from other people, so we don't violate a norm or say something offensive to hurt people. Sanctions are normal. Everyone reacts to different things in different ways. For example when I invaded people's personal space. Some people got up and left, others just said hello and my presence didn't bother them. Everyone is different in their own way