Topic > Maimonides Sparknotes - 619

In Fagenblatt's article "....." he struggles to reconcile Maimonides' negative theology with the list of moral and ethical symbolic descriptions found in the divine attributes in Shmot 33. In Shmot 33:13, Moshe asks to see Hashem's ways. What are these ways? Hashem shows him the knowledge to understand the creation of the universe and the interrelationships of everything in it. He divulged the nature and connections of creation to Moshe so that the actions of creation could be understood and described in human language. Moshe was able to grasp and understand the information Hashem revealed to him because of the unique character of their relationship. Moshe is very pious and humble and admits that he can only see Hashem's ways if "I find grace in your eyes" (Shmot 33:13). Hashem responds that “I will do this thing…for you have found grace in my sight” (Shmot 33:17). Fagenblatt explains that humility is a fundamental trait required to open oneself to the knowledge of