Throughout the history of the United States of America, the country has struggled with its borders and their protection. Illegal immigration is a big problem, and smuggling drugs, guns, and cash across our borders into our country has evolved into an even bigger problem. The United States has over seven thousand miles of border to travel every day. It's a nice piece of land, but the only problem is that it lacks the manpower to cover every single mile of the border. The United States borders Canada and Mexico. Along these borders are small communities and towns occupied by U.S. citizens. This means that these cities and communities require the protection of our Homeland Security Agency. The Department of Homeland Security works tirelessly to safeguard our borders through the deployment of technology, personnel and infrastructure. They also work closely with neighboring countries, Mexico and Canada. Additionally, they work with local, state, federal, and territorial agencies across the United States. There are many different types of agents who police the U.S. borders, including air and marine agents, agriculture specialists, and CBP Border Patrol agents and officers. These agents do their best to safeguard our borders and prevent weapons and terrorists from entering our country and causing great harm to the citizens of the United States of America. Stopping these terrorists and weapons is not the only work they do. They also arrest criminals, seize contraband and stop anyone trying to enter the country illegally. The Department of Homeland Security is doing its best to increase the number of people deployed and on the ground to defend our country's border... middle of paper... culling illegal immigrants to bring them back to their home country ( results). Works (2011, January 5). Border Patrol Overview. Retrieved from Customs and border protection. Border Patrol Strategic Plan 2012-2016 [PDF file]. Retrieved from Department of Homeland Security. Border Security Overview. Retrieved from Department of Homeland Security. Border security findings. Retrieved from on Homeland Security. Summary of H.R. 1417, Border Security Results Act of 2013 [PDF file]. Retrieved from