When George Henry Evans cited the unalienable rights of the Declaration of Independence and that “'to secure these rights' against the undue influence of other classes of society, prudence… dictates the necessity of the organization of a party, which…prevents dangerous combinations to subvert these indispensable and fundamental privileges,” called for a party to become the sentinel of original American democracy. And for many, the Jacksonian Democratic Party has filled that role. Democrats, who pursued a democracy that entailed economic and social independence for the common citizen, faced stiff opposition from the Whig Party in America's second largest party system. But aside from the political tensions of the time, the mid-1800s were the scene of numerous movements and events that both did and did not embody democratic ideals. It would therefore be foolish to argue that the democratic period simply represented a raising of the American democratic flag and even more foolish to attribute any other black and white evaluation to this period. Rather, during a period of national and individual transformation, economic missions, and social revision, Jacksonian democrats succeeded in expanding their reality of individual freedom, creating the circumstances for further change, and falling short of some of their grand ideals. for the "common citizen". In the fight against aristocratic economic overtaking, like many before, Jacksonian democrats vehemently opposed the encroachment of individual economic equality. For Andrew Jackson, that threat was the Second Bank of the United States. Criticizing the National Bank because, “it appears that more than a quarter of the stock is held by foreigners and the... half of the paper......Jacksonian Democracy.Works Cited1.Andrew Jackson's Veto Message (July 10, 1832) .2.Chief Justice Roger B. Taney's opinion in the Supreme Court case.3.Daniel Webster's response to Jackon's veto message (July 11, 1832).4.de Toqueville, Alexis. Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty: An American History (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2008), 358.5.President Jackson's First Annual Message to Congress: Indian Removal.6.Forbes, Elt. A Family Book Containing Discourses on the Following Doctrinal, Evangelical, Practical, and Historical Subjects (1801).7.George Henry Evans, "The Working Men's Declaration of Independence" (December 1829).8.Mott, Lucretia C. The Seneca Falls Poster (1848). 9. Philadelphians Demand Free Schools (1830). 10. President Jackson's Seventh Annual Message on the Expulsion of the Indians (December 7 1835).11.William Lloyd Garrison and The Liberator (1831).