I am able to deal well with most emotions and circumstances that come my way, but there are times when the repressed emotions that I have suppressed for so long come out on their own . The ability to control every emotion and have a conflicting precaution is rare. I can handle most basic emotions quite well, such as being happy or sad depending on the situation I'm in. Emotions like anger and anxiety are a different case. Managing anger isn't always a problem, but there are a few instances in my life where the smallest things have made me angry. Anxiety, however, I have to control when it comes to taking exams, such as Organic Chemistry. I try to calm myself down by saying that everything is fine and that the exam is not as scary as it seems, but in most cases it doesn't work and during the exam, the constant feeling that it is possible to fail surrounds my thoughts. Depending on the individual and the situation, people are better than others at controlling their emotions voluntarily. Overall, in the simplest situations, people are able to manage their emotions quite well and effectively. But there are many situations in which a person's ability to control their emotions is hindered, such as dealing with a death or discovering horrendous news. Everyone is different and some people are more aware of their emotions and are able to consciously control them. Majority